Letters to a Pre-Scientist
During the 2022-2023 school year I was a letter writer for Letters to a Pre-Scientist, an organization dedicated to fostering student engagement in STEM fields. LPS is known for their pen pal program that matches STEM professionals to middle school students across the country. I was matched with a student early in the year and wrote a series of four letters covering topics in STEM and my personal journey through academia. I was awarded the Compassionate Connections Pen Pal award upon completion of this year's program. Below is a letter I wrote to my pen pal in December - click on the individual images to expand and read.
Volunteer work
Through Boise State, I participated in a Community Outreach course designed to develop STEM outreach activities for students at local Boise schools. My coursework revolved around designing curricula to support the learning and achievement of diverse students at various K-12 schools in Boise. During the school year, we held a variety of STEM nights and summer camps to get students interested in science, with the goal of improving our methods of communicating scientific ideas and their societal relevance to these types of audiences. Below is a document I prepared for instructors prior to one of our events.
2021 - 2023

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